Role Model
Arthur Agee jr. Role Model Foundation recommends Dr. Al Barrios STRESSCARDS
Biofeedback Cards
Card is credit card size with a black square that changes color on touch. Relaxation techniques help turn card blue indicating a most relaxed mode. Iimproves sports ability 3 ways: first it relaxes, second it increases confidence, & and lastly it helps positive visualization
Credit card size with black square that changes color on touch. Relaxation techniques on back help turn card blue (most relaxed). Builds in automatic relaxation response when stressed.Improve homework anxieties, Bullying anxieties and builds confidence.
Credit card size with black square that changes color on touch. Relaxation techniques on back help turn card blue (most relaxed). Builds in automatic relaxation response when stressed.Improve homework anxieties, Bullying anxieties and builds confidence.
Arthur Agee / Hoop Dreams presents Dr. Al B arrios
Bio-Feedback Self Improvement Cards
.Touch the card and see the color. Learn to control the change and reduce anxieties.
Break Bad Study Habits
Stay in School
Reduce Bully Anxieties
Improve Sports Performance
Included in all workshops and workshop kits for each student, teacher or parent
There are two main reasons most habits are hard to break. First, many habits seem to fill a basic need most people have today - the need to relieve stress and/or the need for pleasure or happiness. Since the vast majority of people are either stressed or depressed a good part of the time, one can see how easy it is to fall prey to certain habits especially habits of excess.
This also explains why people who stop one bad habit (e.g. smoking) without doing something about the need factor often find another (e.g. overeating) taking its place. The second major reason habits are hard to break is that even if you can do something about the needs that a habit fulfills, once a habit is deeply ingrained, it becomes automatic, involuntary or sub-conscious (below conscious control) i.e. the old habit automatically kicks in before you have a chance to replace it with a new positive one.
Thus, if you wish to break a bad habit, you need to (1) take care of the need factor and (2) re-program yourself so that the new positive habit automatically kicks in before the old one does. This handbook presents a program that has effectively dealt with both of these factors. THE HABIT BUSTER PROGRAM You will now have in your hands a powerful set of tools designed to break unwanted habits. The Habit Buster program presented in this handbook is an outgrowth of a highly effective proven method for giving people greater control over all aspects of their lives. The method, referred to as Self-Programmed Control (SPC), was developed by clinical psychologist Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. as a result of years of research in the areas of higher order (Pavlovian) conditioning, cognitive restructuring, guided imagery and biofeedback.
Why is it that most people find it almost impossible to break free from their bad habits whether it be smoking, overeating, drugs or alcohol? And what of the "Lucky" few who seem to be able to do so at will once they set their minds to it. Is there some sort of "secret" formula they have access to; and if so, can anyone have access to this formula?
The answer is a resounding yes. By following the simple-to-follow three part program presented in the Habit Buster Package you too will be able to become one of the "lucky few" and break free.
The main reason for the great success of this program (and it has been extensively tested at a number of different universities) is what I refer to as immediate feedback, i.e., immediate positive results. From the very beginning you can start to see something happening. And in this day and age unless people can see immediate results (usually of the pill-popping variety) they quickly lose motivation to continue.
The use of the biofeedback card to lessen the urge for your habit is an example of what I mean.
Seeing that you can indeed change the color of the card (your stress level) by following the simple mental exercise on the back of the card becomes a powerful motivator for you to continue working with the program until the habit becomes history.
Another major advantage of this approach is that it is multifaceted: you are not just working on minimizing the "tranquilizer" need underlying many bad habits and addictions but with the SPC techniques you are at the same time building the all important will power factor which is so which is so important for follow-through. And to further insure complete elimination of the bad habit you have the self-programming technique for effectively programming in a new positive habits in place of the old negative ones.
This habit breaking program has been tested and researched in at least four different colleges and universities. The results achieved at East Los Angeles College, UCLA, Santa Monica College and Southwest College will give you some idea of how effective this program can be for habits of excess. An anonymous questionnaire given to a total of 313 students at the completion of the SPC class asked the students to (a) list those areas they had been excessive in prior to the class and (b) indicate which of these areas they had overcome as a result of the class. The following are the tabulated results of the percentages of students overcoming their excesses:
Food ... . . 78% (100 of 129)
Cigarettes 73% (52 of 71)
Alcohol 92% (59 of 64)
Television 86% (120 of 140)
Marijuana 72% (31 of 43)
Other Drugs 83% (16 of 19)
Such startling results show that habits can be easily broken using these remarkable new techniques, all based on the power of your own mind. What some people call willpower, or self control, can be learned. You will now have in your hands the tools that can break all of your bad habits, all you need is the commitment to use them.
There are basically three parts to the Habit Buster program. Part one presents some simple but powerful (SPC) techniques for increasing your mental focus and willpower. This gives you a strong feeling of hope and confidence that you can indeed accomplish your goals and it prepares you to better respond to parts two and three of the program
Part two involves a unique biofeedback device called the Habit Buster card. This device allows you to eliminate the urge or need for the habit right at the moment of need. Whenever you feel the urge, instead of reaching for your habit you will reach for the card and perform the SPC techniques on the back until the card has turned blue and the urge has disappeared.
Part three involves a procedure known as focused visualization or Self Programming. In the more highly focused and relaxed state of mind produced by the SPC techniques, you will be able to self-program in the new habit so that it will automatically kick in before the old one has a chance to rear its ugly head. END
About the Author
Dr. Barrios, a clinical psychologist (B.S. Caltech, Ph.D. UCLA) is founder and current director of the Self-Programmed Control Center based in Los Angeles and is the inventor of the very popular Stress Control Biofeedback Card. He is a recognized authority on the power of the word and its effect on human behavior and is fast becoming one of the leading authorities in the Stress and Holistic Health fields, his Stress Card and SPC Program adding a new dimension to the field of medicine bringing renewed hope to the chronically ill. Formerly with the Institute of Comprehensive Medicine and the Health Care Management Institute, Dr. Barrios has lectured to thousands of medical professionals across the country and is perhaps best known for his work on the psychological approach to reviving the body's natural defenses against cancer, an area in which he has achieved international recognition. In 1996 he received the first annual Cancer Federation award in psychoneuroimmunology and was nominated for the Norman Cousins Award in Mind-Body Health. He has also pioneered the introduction of his SPC program into the educational field. This highly successful program for helping students achieve their full potential both as students and as people was first introduced at the college and university level with his classes at UCLA, East Los Angeles, Santa Monica and Southwest Colleges, later expanding into the primary and secondary schools through his class for teachers at Cal State University Los Angeles. Dr. Barrios has also done considerable work in the area of drug addiction and alcoholism, his SPC program providing a much needed new and powerful tool that has already been successfully applied in a number of ongoing addiction and alcoholism programs in California and Texas. Finally, he has done extensive work aimed at solving the ever present minority and welfare problems. His SPC program, applied in such work-incentive programs as WIN and CETA, has provided a powerful means of raising the all-important self-image factor that has held back so many of the disadvantaged.