Publish Your Book with the Experts
Publishing    FAQ
Is  NXTGen and NXTGen a traditional or non-traditional publisher?
Micro Information is both an author based self publishing house and  an independent publisher. We work in both print formats and digital format books. There are many advantages to independent publishing. You remain in complete control of the finished product because you get to decide what text, images, illustrations, fonts, marketing, sales, appearances, pricing, etc. to use in your book.

You retain the rights of your manuscript, unlike a traditional publisher. The timeline from start to finish is much quicker than a traditional publisher, which often takes two or more years to complete and the royalties are much much lower.

Your profit margins could be three to four times that of traditional publishers. You have the ability and control to set the price of your book including how much royalty you earn per copy sold. Additionally, you do not need an agent, eating into potential profits, in order to get your manuscript noticed, accepted and published. Also, unlike traditional publishers who only market their most promising titles, we offer marketing materials and promotional services.
What is Print-on-Demand publishing?
Print-on-Demand publishing, or POD, is a method of book printing using digital technology that makes it easy and cost-effective to produce books as they are ordered, either one at a time or in large numbers. Instead of a more traditional mode of printing, which only prints a large number at one time, POD is an "as needed" printer so there are no wasted books and no need to store them. This also means that the book can be available for an extended period of time, instead of the book being "out of print" after one print run.