The Next Generation of Communications
Step by step and one-on-one hands on consulting for every facet of the process.
From concept, writing, editing, printing, publishing, eBook,marketing, promotion, sales and distribution.
From dreams... To reality.
Which format should you publish?
Should I submit to a traditional publisher,vanity publisher, self-publish?
What is the difference in a eBook and a Enhanced Interactive eBook?
How can I market and sell my book?
Why have a printed book and a digital format? How do I generate sales?
Sniff Publishing & NXTGen for print books and NXTGen for interactive eBooks.
MIP published it's first book in 1983. NXTGen Digital services provides electronic book publishing and Sniff Publishing is specialty scratch and sniff print book services.
NXTGEN Interactive
Red Bag
What Makes NXTGen Different?
Our authors are on the radio...
We don't do "one size fits all" or use a "cookie-cutter" publishing templates or strategies. Each book is hands-on and treated as a single project A custom publishing plan and strategy and positioning profile for your book . Each goal is different for each author.
Your book has a special unique fit and purpose.
We connect the dots to make the publishing process be all that it can be... To make your goal a reality. As traditional publishers reduce their lists and decrease the number of new titles, Author-based publishing emerges to fill the gap. Self-publishing serves a need if all you want is just a printed book!
Bookstore & Library
Distribution. & Trade shows
Books that meet certain editorial guidelines are eligible for the same national bookstore and library distribution offered by many traditional publishers. Get details on how we can get your book into bookstores and libraries.Major trade show such as BEA, Book trade shows Library, gift shows are filled with opportunity
Creative Marketing Strategy Customized to your Book
Our book cover designs are completely original. No templates of any kind. Many of our competitors use templates, but place original art on them. Not us. See our original covers.
We Provide What You Need. not what you don't need!
We don't sell you stupid things that won't help you sell books, like bookmarks, posters or placement in a group ad in the back of a national publication. Spend your money where it counts and it will result in book sales. We will show you how to effectively use the internet to select and choose potential readers who are actually interested in your type book.We don't use out of date marketing approaches.
Award winning movie
Hoop Dreams
Arthur Agee
T.A. Van Diver
SMART Publishing Plan
NXTGen Authors are on the radio
.... Radio Book Shelf
Hands on all the way....
NXTGen brings the next generation of publishing to marketing, promotion, distribution.. We publish books with meaning and purpose.
Radio - Media-Appearance - Promotion
As your personal publicist NXTGen coach and schedule you for radio appearances and promotions. Good promotion is vital to a successful book.
Two Author Plans - 100% or Shared Royalty Options...
You make up to 100% of the Royalties or an option of shared participation to reduce your startup cost. You can pay us for printing AFTER your books has sales.*
Companion Interactive Books
reading behavior is change. Some people want a print books, other an eBook,, while others want a multi-media reading experience. NXTGen crosses all platforms, interactive book
You Own The the copyright
You own all files and the layouts you pay us to create. Read the fine print of most other book publishing companies´ contracts and you'll see that if you leave them, you might get the artwork, but they keep the layout and the actual cover format you paid for, causing you to have to pay for it again with another publisher. That's crazy.
Consulting and guidance every step of the project.
This is not a get rich fast business. For new authors the book business appears to be easy. Some may think all you do is write the book, print and magically book sales appear. Sorry but that is only on TV and in the movies The book business is 80% perspiration and 20% inspiration in order to be successful.
Maximize your book today!
Transform your content to leverage digital opportunities
NXTGen® Interactive Solutions
Digital formats from web to mobile devices
NXTGen provides seamless strategies to create interactive value-added content. Project management from concept, consulting, content development, conversion, mult-imedia interaction, cross platform development, eBooks and interactive design.
Educational Publishers
From traditional textbook to interactive books & Children's Books
Trade & Consumer Publishers
NXTGen helps publishers and authors compete in the digital age
Professional & Commercial Publishing
Books and journals, both printed and digital formats
Library & Reference Publishers
Including information aggregators, research & reference projects, and professional associations
Trade Association Publishing
Create books fast and keep them updated and easy to interact for your members. eLearning and interactive book solutions to optimizing training and staff development, data conversion solutions and publishing innovation.
NXTGen Coding improves sales and defines the differences between print, ebook and iBooks (Enhanced ebooks). NXTGen brings social networking functionality and enhanced value - added content into the eBook and iBook.
Marketing for Introverts- best selling authors Paul and Sarah Edwards- Interactive book- NXTGen Content Coding to inform readers what they are missing in the iBook versions