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Book Marketing Services
Expert  Tv-Radio-Print Positioning Services
Radio-TV Interviews
Media Interviews

Have you ever wondered how all these books and authors get in radio and TV?  Getting featured on radio, television, or in a news periodical can be effective way to not only sell more books but also position yourself as an authority on a particular subject. Through Expert Positioning services, you will get listed as a go-to source for journalists and media outlets seeking experts . Cost-$2595-$15,995
Media Interview Connection $499.00
Make 75,000+ Journalists Aware of Your Book and Expertise!
When you publish a book, you have a unique story and specialized knowledge to share with your readers. Working journalists and media members are also interested in what you have to say. The Media Interview Connection puts you, your book, and your credentials in front of 75,000 journalists throughout the country.

How does the Media Interview Connection help promote your book?
As an expert in your field, your contact information, book title and summary, and area of expertise are available to more than 75,000 journalists.
That’s valuable because media coverage can influence book buying. The inclusion of your name and book title in an article could lead to increased interest in your book.

How does the process work?
Provide your contact information, book title and areas of expertise for the media. You can choose from the following expert groups:

Banking/Personal Finance, Management/Workplace, General Industry
Health/Medicine, Science, Education
World Regions, Government/Public Issues, Law/Crime/Justice
Art/Entertainment/Media, Living, Computers/Telecom
NXTGen registers your information in an expert’s database searched by 75,000 journalists
When a journalist searches for an expert in your field, your information is displayed.
When a journalist posts a request for an expert in your field, you’ll receive an e-mail alert notifying you of the request.
Communicate directly with the journalist for interviews. The cost for this service is $1499.00
Radio -TV Interview Report (RTIR) Ad Program/Half Page/1 Issue $995.00

Getting publicity on radio and television is one of the best ways to increase your book's exposure by establishing yourself as an expert,but how do you effectively reach the people who decide what goes on the air?

NXTGen is now pleased to offer an effective way for authors to reach producers, hosts, and program directors at radio and television stations throughout the United States and Canada: the RTIR Advertising Program.
Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR) is a publication that is widely used by members of the media to discover intriguing guests and topics to spotlight on television and radio programs. Published semi-monthly, RTIR contains paid advertisements each month from 100 to 150 authors and other spokes people who are available for live and in-studio interviews.

Each advertisement contains possible topics for discussion, including authors' areas of expertise, as well as authors' contact information for the purposes of arranging interviews. The magazine's professional copywriters will then use these materials to develop your ad's content at no additional cost to you. Once the ad is written, NXTGen will e-mail a copy for your review and approval; you may request any necessary changes before the ad goes to press.

To obtain the optimal results with the RTIR Advertising Program we strongly recommend running an ad at least twice (once a month for consecutive months). Repetition is key to successful advertising. Plus, topics considered newsworthy can change very quickly, potentially making your ad more interesting to the media in subsequent issues.

Who reads RTIR? What's the circulation?
The following is a breakdown of RTIR's subscriber base:
Radio station personnel: 3,859
National, local and cable talk show staff: 402
Total circulation: 4,261t