Publishing is in thru the greatest period of change in its history. IF you don't create books to engages the six inches between the readers ear... Then you failed with your message.
Interactive content is mainstream publishing.
Publishing  technology sectors are now converging  faster than ever before.
New content providers have a level playing field.
There are no digital silver bullets
NXTGen Solutions..
The publishing model has changesd
In an information overloaded world "content" without "context" has very low-value.Digital content by itself is lost without the digital context the metadata that enables people to find it and value it.
Digital Context can sell both physical and digital works.
Digital Content , Context and rights are all developed in parallel across the publishing life-cycle
Publishers are driven in their digital strategy by many factors and they will start from many different positions across the life-cycle
Merely converting content into digital formats at the end of the process can restrict the opportunities to produce new different digital offers.
Digital assets need to be stored digitally and available to internal, enterprise and external users who will all want to see them and use them differently.
Digital distribution of assets be performed  directly or feed into the channel
The richest form of contextual metadata is the content itself but in a digital age significant additional material (videos, podcasts, blogs etc. need to be associated with a work.
Our Service and Solutions
Our services support content composition, conversion and distribution and are underpinned by constant Digital Content Storage.
Our solutions framework underpins these views and offers a flexible architecture that covers the total  publishing life-cycle from author to reader.
We provide solutions to help the publishing industry manage content, context and commerce in a seamless manner in the climate of change brought about by the onset of digitization
Consulting & Publishing Services
The process is the same no matter what your content and the goal is the same....monetize and maximize content ROI
Our services range from concept, consulting, development and completion.Makes no difference if you  are moving from traditional print to interactive eBooks for Kindle and - eReader  to  interactive iBooks . Let NXTGen show you how to improve your bottom line with new revenue streams

We work with from concept, editing, design, format, print, publishing, software development, marketing, sales, promotion for your book and software application. You can select from individual services or a combined publishing program that focuses on the goal and vision for your project. We are your NXtGen Team!
Contact  NXTGen Today. . To manage your publications conversion

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